On August 6th, Eric, Harlow, Skeet and I traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah from San Diego, California for Geraldine and Glen's Wedding. We left Wednesday night and arrived in St. George in the early morning on Thursday. We slept a couple of hours there and then awoke to drive the rest of the way to Salt Lake City. We arrived at Geraldine's home on Thursday around 11:00 a.m. Catalina and Geraldine were so excited to meet Harlow, and Anecia and Anthony loved playing with her. It was so nice to get together with my sisters. I wish we could see each other more often. Catalina and I bought matching purple dresses for the wedding. We looked great! Geraldine's wedding took place on August 8th at a small church in Murray, and her reception took place at a friend's home in West Valley. The trip had its ups and downs. I was in a bad mood for some of the time because of several reasons. I was running on lack of sleep when we got there. Then when we
went to go check into our hotel, the bed linens had not been washed let alone changed, so I did not feel very comfortable there. Also, our room smelled of cigarette smoke, so when I woke up in the morning I was very congested. On the day of the wedding I went with my sisters to get my hair done. It is a unspoken cardinal rule that when you do my hair, you do not brush it out, otherwise it will be very pooffy and ugly. However, the girl who did my hair clearly did not know this. To make a long story short, I looked like Medusa but with a fro. I looked awful. The worst part was it took her 3 hours to give me the worst hairdo you can imagine. We were already late for the wedding, so I couldn't go home and fix it. I was embarrassed to be in front of all of my sister's weddings guests looking like I did. After the wedding, I took a shower at Geraldine's house and washed and styled my own hair. Fortunately it looked much better than when the professional did it.
Our last day there, we drove up to Park City to meet up with some friends and eat
Harlow did amazingly well in the car during the 10 hour drive to and from Utah. Although the actual drive to Utah wasn't too awful, I have told Eric we will never drive to Utah again from San Diego, its just to wearing on all of us, and why drive such a long distance in a car, when you could fly for a much smaller duration of time
a.) i want to see a picture of the medusa hair!!!
b.) did you bring any devanza's back to southern california...yummm my mouth is watering just thinking about it
I've heard of the deliciousness that is devanza's. Once Eric, Ryan, and I went Mountain Biking on a Sunday and showed up to Devanza's an hour before they opened and decided not to eat there...this after Eric talked the place up for nearly a week!!!
Harlow is such a cutie!!!
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