Monday, September 22, 2008


Davanza's is our FAVORITE pizza place in the entire world! Davanza's now has 3 locations I have heard, one in Salt Lake City, and 2 in Park City. Our favorite though is the one that is located right off of Main Street in Park City because our good friend Jesse is the manager at that one. Their pizza is really really good, so if you have not gone already, you need to go. The pizza is just very distinct, and I know for a fact they use wine in the pizza sauce, so that is one of the many secret ingredients that produces the perfection that is the pizza at Davanza's.

The history behind Davanza's is that it is one of Eric's previous employers. During High School Eric worked their and made Pizza. I know, I know, can you believe it, Eric a pizza maker. He and most of his hockey buddies worked their during High School.

One of our first dates took place at Davanza's. When Eric brought me there I thought "Okay just another pizza place", but I was wrong, very very wrong. Davanza's is the BEST! The real goodness comes from their fry sauce that you use to just smother everything from the pizza to the fries with.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

no more davanza's talk. i miss it too much!!!